My name is Martijn Leertouwer. I originally started my career in IT but after being in that sector for several years I switched to the security industry. And it was the best decision I could ever make. That was where I’ve found my true passion.
It makes me a proud man; to know that because of us security professionals, people live in a secure environment. And seeing clients use my advised products and solutions with so much ease, gives me a personal kick. Because that means that the product does not only do its security job, but it's also user friendly.
Being in this business for a while has taught me that awareness is the most important part for getting security measures successfully implemented within a company. In my opinion direct and clear language is the best way to realize this and with that I am most willing to help. Luckily my enthusiasm and passion for the industry works contagious.
I’ve founded Sparklab Solutions in 2023 because off increasing request for security consultancy. In that year I was still working for a big Dutch security system integrator, and I was helping customers in my spare time. In July 2024 the decision was made to give my company the attention it needed and provide my customers a more detailed service.
Sparklab Solutions BV
KVK: 90387481
BTW: NL865298336B01